Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

The Sims 3 : Colored Ghost

This time I just want to give you hints how to get Colored Ghost.
Okay let’s get started :

1. Death by Fire

For the most part, Sims will only die by fire if they get trapped in a room with the flames. You know, after you’ve removed the door. Fires are generally started by ignoring food on the stove.

One it starts, it’ll quickly spread. And if your Sim manages to catch, they will need to find a source of water, or they’ll die horribly. If a Sim dies by fire, they return as a red ghost with small flames inside of them, where they’ll be met by the Reaper and taken to the hereafter.

The best and most expedient way to kill your Sims by fire is trap them in a room and set a fire. It’s a simple matter of removing the doors, and watching them burn like marshmallows.

A particularly devious way to take them all out is to throw a party for the Sims. Once they guests arrived and the fun begins, remove all the doors and start a door by leaving some food on the stove for too long. The celebration will get toasty in a hurry :D

2. Death by Drowning

This one is an old standby, i used this way since The Sims. Sims fans have been dropping their unloved characters in pools and removing the ladders since time began. But Sims 3 has added a new wrinkle to the proceedings… they can still climb out! Yes, it’s actually possible for your Sim to escape even if there’s no ladder.

Of course, fatigue can still play a large factor in potential drownings, even with the ability to escape. If a fatigued mood shows up for the Sim with a timer, you have until the timer runs out to get them out of there. Otherwise, it’s down to the watery depths. Sims who die this way return as a blue ghost.

In Sims 3, the Sim can simply climb out of a pool and escape, but so what? Just keep canceling the action, and they’ll be helpless. Alternatively, you can put up some sort of barrier to keep them from getting out. The easy answer is “walls,” but we prefer to be more environmentally conscious.

Yes, this unfortunate Sim has fallen victim to a wall of trees. We felt that it was important that we give nature a boost while going about our grisly work. It may even give some other Sim a mood boost later on.

3. Death by Electrocution

The most common cause of accidental death. It happens most often to clumsy Sims who try and test fate by tinkering with electrical equipment, or using an electrical object while standing a puddle of water. Hey, Mom always said not to bring the radio in the bathtub.

You’ll know that you’re on the verge of electrocution if your Sim gets a “Singed” mood after failing to repair some piece of electrical equipment. If the Sim tries again, they’ll be riding the lightning straight into the afterlife. Sims who die via electricity return as a yellow ghost.

This one can be surprisingly difficult to create on purpose though. It’s more apt to happen accidentally. You can try repairing things until the big shock arrives, or you can try having a Mad Scientist perform an experiment on it. Tinkering with things like stereos while standing in water can also bring about electrocution. Unfortunately, all of these can take quite a while, and you may find yourself standing in puddles of water tinkering for ages. Be prepared to be patient.

4. Death by Starvation

When your Sim is hungry, you’ll know it. They’ll grab their stomach, make terrible noises, and just generally be grouchy. After a while, they’ll get the starving mood, and a timer will appear. If they don’t get some food in them, and quickly, they will die.

This one takes quite a while to happen… three days, to be exact. Three days of watching the Sim stamp their feet and gag. Kind of makes you hungry, actually. A starving Sim appears as a purple ghost.

This one is only fun if you’re trying to get the “complete set” of death. Otherwise, it takes too long to be any kind of satisfying. That is, unless you like watching your Sim suffer horribly, which is probably the case if you’re reading this section. Starving your Sim isn’t exactly an art… trap them somewhere without food and watch them waste away. It’s fun for the whole family.

5. Death by Old Age

The inevitable end of every Sim, unless you decide to turn off the aging process that is. In which case, congratulations on cheating death, you cheater. It comes on rather suddenly… pop, and your Sim is a ghost. No suffering about it.

If you want your Sim to be able to dance on the graves of other elders, there are a few options available beyond simply granting immortality. Top gardeners can grow Life Fruit, which will extend your Sims’ lifespan. Once the end finally arrives, your Sim will return as a grey ghost.

Sadly, death by natural causes isn’t particularly satisfying for the sadists amongst us. For one thing, it’s extemely quick. But we’re sure you’ll find a way to enjoy it nevertheless.

See.. you can find a colored ghost… red ghost, yellow ghost, blue ghost, purple ghost, and a default white ghost with a fun ways to kill your sims.

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