Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

The Sims 3 : How to Prevent Death

There are 2 ways to prevent Grim Reaper taking a Sim away.. or you can say death :P One of the special harvestable, the Death Blossom can be exchanged for another chance at life with Grim Reaper. If the Death Blossom is in a Sim’s personal inventory when death occurs, it can be offered in exchange for more time.

The other way is a steady diet of Life Fruits. Consuming Life Fruits add extra time to your life span. You can grow both of these plants by reaching the highest levels of Gardening Skill and discovering their seeds.

More information about seeds, Death Blossom and Life Fruit you can see it in how to get life fruit

Death is final.. Yeah, once a Sims has crossed over to other side, they cannot come back to the realm of the living. But that doesn’t mean they are necessarily gone forever. Deceased Sims have been known to haunt the area around their grave markers. If you install the marker somewhere on your lot, there is a good chance you might see the ghost of former friend after 11 PM, rattling around the old stomping grounds.

Ghost are friendly.. they won’t harm anybody on the lot. But they can wake Sims up, disrupting a good night’s sleep… what a disturbing ghost.

Ghost can and will interact with objects on the lot, making noise and generally creeping out the living. Different Sims reactions to ghost or haunted objects. Sims with the following traits are actually happy to see a ghost:
- Brave
- Childish
- Daredevil
- Insane
- Party Animal

Coward and Neurotics Sims have the opposite reaction to a ghost or haunted object. They get the Scared moodlet

Tips :
Want to see a ghost on your lot but nobody has died on it ?
Send a Kleptomaniac Sim to the graveyard. There’s a chance they will steal a grave marker and bring it back. Install the marker somewhere on your lot and there’s a chance you will spot a ghost in the near future.

Ghost also appear at the graveyard at night. If your Sim has a wish to see a ghost, head to the graveyard sometime after midnight but before dawn. Look for rattling objects as a sign of ghost in the graveyard. You can converse with ghosts in the graveyard, just as with a living Sim.
However, they cannot engage in romantic socials, marry Sims, or be asked to move in with the family back on the lot :(

If you want to revived a ghost try to feed Ambrosia to a ghost and there’s a chance it will come back to life.
How to play a ghost ?

Playable ghost ? is that true ? Well, if a loved one died and you have their marker or remains, there is a chance you will get a call from the Landgraab Industries Science Facility. The scientists have developed a way to reserve death ! Zoom out to the map and left click on the science facility.
Choose the Restore Ghost option to bring your loved one back from the death.

It turns out the technology isn’t perfect. Your loved one is returned to you, but only as a ghost..a playable ghost. The ghost appears as a selectable Sims with all of the regular interactions and socials, just as when they alive.
Playable ghosts can develop skills, cook food, and attempt to live a regular life in Sunset Valley.

Okay.. I know what you’re thinking… can i be romantic with a playable ghost ? or can i have sex with ghost ?
Yes, you can. If the ghost is of a young adult or adult Sim. You can raise the amorous LTR with a ghost to the point where you can have WooHoo and even Try for Baby. If the interaction conceives a child, there is a chance it will be a ghost baby.
You can actually start an entire ghost family this way.

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