Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

The Sims 3 : The Sims 3 How To Get Life Fruit

You can get Life Fruit Seed with this way :
1. Look for see that spread on the ground, it could be anywhere. Look for seed that have a Special Type. Seed that have Special Type like a seed from Money Tree, Fire Fruit, and Life Fruit.
To plant a Special Seed you must have a Gardening Skill min lv.7 , you can see the sims 3 gardening tutorial for more information about gardening skill :)

2. Work in Science Career,and there will be opportunities to make Ambrosia and you will be given the materials. And if you got this, you can make Ambrosia and don’t give that to your boss :P

More info about fruit and seed :
1. 1 Life Fruit adds one day of remaining life in your current stage.
2. Grow Deathflowers, these thing can avert dying prematurely because of a freak accident, as long as they sit in the sim’s invertory, your sim will give a flower to grim and grim will leave =)

The seed is random and you can find it in some hills, like this spot where there’re seed near science lab
you can see the seed sparkling, because i’m using collection helper

There are 3 type of Unknown Seed :
1. Unknown Uncommon Seed
2. Unknown Rare Seed
3. Unknown Special Seed

Try to search for Special Seed, later it will grow random death plant, life plant, omni plant, money tree.

i hope this tutorial will help you =)

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